
Network interactions: motor and cognitive systems​

Am I rotating?

Am I moving?

Am I a square?

Objective: What is the role of the cerebello-striato-cortical interactions?

  • In reward-based motor learning (short-time scale)?​
  • In the recall of motor programs (across sessions time scale)?​


  • In patients with ADCY5 mutations: Striatal dysfunction
  • In patients with PRRT2 and SGCE mutations: Cerebellar dysfunction
  • In healthy volunteers: Neuromodulation (TMS) of the cerebellum​
  • + In animal model of dystonia:  Mice with ADCY5/SGCE mutation​

Expected results

  • Cerebello-striatal loops play a role in immediate reward-based motor learning​
  • Striato-cerebellar loops play a role in recall of motor programs ​

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