Emmanuel Flamand-Roze, M.D.,Ph.D., is a Professor of Neurology at Sorbonne University in Paris. He is a consultant neurologist at the Movement Disorders Clinic of the Salpêtrière hospital. At this institution, he devised a transition program (JUMP) for adolescents living with chronic neurological illnesses in this hospital and led an international consortium to develop global recommendations in this field. He works as a scientific researcher at Paris Brain Institute, where he is a research team leader. His main research interests focus on developmental disorders the motor system, especially dystonia, myoclonus, mirror movements, and Tourette syndrome. He studies clinical aspects, genetic causes, pathogenesis and works on experimental therapeutics in preclinical models and patients with movement disorders. He has published 350 papers in peer review journals, mostly on these topics. He received an award of the French Neurological Society for his work on myoclonus. Finally, he has a keen interest in teaching and developed an innovative simulation-based medical education program (The Move) to teach neurological semiology to medical students, which efficacy has been demonstrated on long-term knowledge retention. This program received a certificate of excellence from the French Education Ministry. He is also the author of a successful podcast about medical humanities (Le Serment d’Augusta), which has garnered 400,000 listens during its first two years of broadcasting and received the award of the Sorbonne foundation. He is currently the chair of the pediatric special interest group of the international movement disorders society and co-founded a monthly virtual international pediatric video rounds with the support of the movement disorders society. He is a member of the National Neurology board of the French Universities (CNU) and of the National board for teaching in Neurology (CEN).
Wirth T*, RozeE*, Delvallée C, Trouillard O, Drouot N, Damier, Boulay C, Bourgninaud M,Jegatheesan P, Sangare A, Forlani S, Gaymard B, Hervochon R, Navarro V, CalmelsN, Schalk A, Tranchant C, Piton A, Méneret A, Anheim M. Rare missenses variantsof KCNJ10 are associated with paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia. Movement Disorders 2024;39:897-905
Ekmen A, Meneret A, Valabregue R, Beranger B, Worbe Y,Lamy JC, Mehdi S, Herve A, Adanyeguh I, Temiz G, Damier P, Gras D, Roubertie A,Piard J, Navarro V, Mutez E, Riant F, Welniarz Q, Vidailhet M, Lehericy S,Meunier S, Gallea C, Roze E. Cerebellum dysfunction in patients withPRRT2-related paroxysmal dyskinesia. Neurology 2022; 98 e1077-e1089
Cochen De Cock V, Dodet P, Leu-SemenescuS, Aerts C, Castelnovo G , Abril B, Drapier S, Olivet H, Corbillé AG,Leclair-Visonneau L, Sallansonnet-Froment M, Lebouteux M, Anheim M, Ruppert E,Vitello N, Eusebio A, Lambert I, Marques A, Fantini ML, Devos D, Monaca C,Benard-Serre N, Lacombe S, Vidailhet M, Arnulf I, Doulazmi M, Roze E.Subcutaneous night-time only apomorphine infusion to treat insomnia inpatients with Parkinson’s disease (APOMORPHEE): a multicentre, randomised,controlled, double-blind crossover study. Lancet neurology 2022;21:428-37
Wirth T, Mariani LL,Bergant G, Baulac M, Habert MO, Drouot N, Ollivier E, Hodzik A, Rudolf G,Nitschke P, Rudolf G, Chelly J, Tranchant C, Anheim M, Roze E. Loss-of-function mutations in NR4A2 cause dopa-responsivedystonia-parkinsonism. Movement Disorders 2020;35:880-885
Méneret A, Gras D, McGovern EM, Roze E. Caffeine and the dyskinesia related to mutations in the ADCY5 gene. Annals of Internal Medicine2019171:439
Méneret A, Franz EA, TrouillardO, Oliver TC, Zagar Y, Robertson SP, Welniarz Q,MacKinlay Gardner RJ, Gallea C, Srour M, DepienneC, Jasoni CL, Dubacq C, Riant F, Lamy JC, Morel MP, Guérois R, Andreani J,Fouquet C, Doulazmi M, Vidailhet M, Rouleau GA, Brice A, Chédotal A, Dusart I, Roze E*, Markie D*.Mutations in the netrin-1 gene cause congenital mirror movements. Journalof Clinical investigation 2017; 12:160
HainqueE, Vidailhet M, Cozic N, Charbonnier-Beaupel F, Thobois S, Tranchant C,Brochard V, Glibert G, Drapier S, Mutez E, Doe De Maindreville A, Lebouvier T,Hubsch C, Degos B, Bonnet C, Grabli D, Legrand AP, Méneret A, Azulay JP,Bissery A, Zahr N, Clot F, Mallet A, Dupont S, Apartis E, Corvol JC, Roze E. A randomized, controlled, double-blind, crossovertrial of zonisamide in myoclonus-dystonia. Neurology 2016;86:1729-1735
Mochel F, Hainque E, Gras D, Adanyeguh IM, Caillet S,Héron B, Roubertie A, Kaphan E, Valabregue R, Rinaldi D, Vuillaumier S,Schiffmann R, Ottolenghi C, Hogrel JY, Servais L, Roze E. Triheptanoindramatically reduces paroxysmal motor disorder in patients with GLUT1deficiency. Journalof Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 2016;87:550-553
Popa T, Milani P,Richard A, Hubsch C, Brochard V, Tranchant C, Sadnicka A, Rothwell J, VidailhetM, Meunier S, Roze E. On theneurophysiology of myoclonus dystonia and why it stands appart from otherdystonias. JAMA Neurology 2014;71:612-9
Gallea C, Popa T,Hubsch C, Valabregue R, Brochard V, Kundu P, Schmitt B, Bardinet E, Bertasi E,Flamand-roze C, Alexandre NPA, Delmaire C, Meneret A, Depienne C, Poupon C,Hertz-Pannier L, Cincotta M, Vidailhet M, Lehericy S, Meunier S, Roze E. RAD51 deficiency disrupts thecorticospinal lateralization of the motor control Brain 2013;136:3333-46
Depienne C, BouteillerD, Méneret A, Billot S, Groppa S, Klebbe S, Charbonnier-Beaupel F, Saraiva JP,Brueggemann N, Corvol JC, Bhatia K,Cincotta M, Brochard V, Flamand-Roze C, Carpentier W, Meunier S, Marie Y,Gaussen M, Stevanin G, Wehrle R,Vidailhet M, Klein C, Brice A, Roze E.RAD51 Haploinsufficiency Causes Congenital Mirror Movements in Humans. AmericanJournal of Human Genetics 2012;90:301-307
RozeE, Apartis E, Clot F,Dorison N, Thobois S, Guyant-Marechal L, Tranchant C, Damier P, Doummar D,Bahi-Buisson N, André-Obadia N, Maltete D, Echaniz-Laguna A, Pereon Y,Beaugendre Y, Dupont S, De Greslan T, Jedynak CP, Ponsot G, Dussaule JC, BriceA, Dürr A, Vidailhet M. Myoclonusdystonia:Clinical and electrophysiological pattern related to SGCE mutations. Neurology 2008; 70:1010-6.